
Live Well


Living an Authentic Life with Health Challenges

Invisible Illness, Autoimmune Wellness, Chronic Illness

Are you ready to live your best life? To live well? Really well! It sounds cliché, but when you focus on balancing your wellness and overcoming your unique challenges, doors begin to open.  Your chronic conditions, health challenges and/or autoimmune disorders are less of a burden.  You are better equipped to align your purpose and life with who you are.  And this makes life even more fulfilling!

We all have unique gifts and skills, yet somehow, after years of illness, struggles, or even after a sudden diagnosis or life-changing event, we might lose sight of our gifts and of who we are. After you’ve progressed along your journey of self-discovery and have accepted your limitations, life begins to flow more smoothly. You have more energy and your overall wellness has improved. And you have learned to embrace yourself for who you are, and you love that about yourself.

So what now? Maybe it’s time to reconnect with the authentic YOU! Time to focus on aligning your work with your purpose. Here you’ll find articles to help you on your journey of Working with Health Challenges or Chronic Illness and Life with Autoimmune Disease. Topics include business productivity, managing your energy levels, and setting boundaries in your personal life and business.

You’ll also find articles that challenge you to think about what it means to live authentically, to Live Your Purpose. You’ll also find articles about Life at Large, important topics around embracing your hardships, finding and giving support and even advocacy around chronic health and autoimmune wellness concerns.

Articles to Help You Live a Life You Love

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