Explore the Building Balance to Empower® Programs for YOUR Best Starting Point.

All private coaching programs encompass the seven areas of well-being, resulting in a unique blend of working on you AND your business. Building Balance to Empower is about living a grounded, meaningful life. A life of alignment that incorporates your strengths, honors your limitations, and guides you in living with greater well-being and more success.

Take the BalanceUP® Lifestyle & Business Assessment

Entrepreneurial woman at home office desk considering certainty is a myth

Do you know where to best spend your time, money & energy so you can build a successful and sustainable business alongside health challenges? Take this assessment for laser-focused results to guide you in building a lifestyle and business that supports your work, health, and well-being.

Business Strategy Planning for Biz-Savvy Entrepreneurs

Build Your Business Strategy for Your Health, Well-Being & Success! Business success and greater well-being are best sustained alongside a smart business strategy. This is a 6-session program delivered via private coaching, training sessions, and a workbook.

The Power of I Can’t (2 Parts)

Part 1: Thriving Through Self-Awareness; Part 2: Overcome Your Obstacles. Leave no stone unturned as we travel along a path to understand how your health is impacting your success. You’ll gain skills, knowledge and insights to listen to your body in a way that supports your well-being, and then create new solutions that work for you!

Custom “Destination You!” Package

Experience a completely custom program around your needs and goals. Your custom package can be business and/or lifestyle-oriented. You will receive 3 Private Sessions around your selected goals PLUS a 1/2-day Virtual Mini Retreat. Together, we’ll make a plan for how YOU can build your life, your way. A life that puts your well-being first.

Signature Coaching Program

BalanceUP® Your Life & Business Signature Coaching Program. BalanceUP® Coaching is the foundation for learning to THRIVE with health issues. Envision your life where your business supports your well-being and the lifestyle you desire. This all-inclusive 9-12 month package is EVERYTHING you need to transform your life and business!

Interested in a Private Coaching Package?

If you’re interested in private coaching and want to see if we’re a fit, schedule a 90-minute complimentary coaching session.

Building Balance to Empower® Programs

Building Balance to Empower® programs provide you with the right tools, strategies, and mindset to create a life and business you love. Working together, I’ll guide you through how to overcome the uncertainties and challenges in life and business that come with health challenges. You’ll move beyond the overwhelm, worry, and stress that often comes with wondering how you will manage your business in the event of a health issue or flare-up.

These programs guide you in learning how to implement strategies in your business to protect yourself, your business and your clients from the uncertainty of your health challenges. It’s about living authentically, letting go of the frustration around your health challenges and instead embracing those very same challenges and using them as your superpower.

Building Balance to Empower® is ultimately about designing a business and life that work together to support your well-being, desired lifestyle and success.

Learn More About The Building Balance to Empower Programs

The Building Balance to Empower® Programs help you take your business to a new level while enjoying greater well-being. They are custom-created to provide you with the tools and strategies to navigate the uncertainties, challenges and setbacks that health challenges bring to your daily life… and business. These strategies for work, health and well-being empower you to live a life of joy and peace alongside your health challenges.

As a participant, you will:

  • identify and set action plans to prioritize and overcome your unique obstacles and challenges that have been holding you back from your dreams for too long.
  • build your wellness foundation, allowing you to better manage your energy and health so you can grow your business.
  • deepen your awareness of the signals your body is giving you and stop the cycle of setbacks and flare-ups.
  • learn to let go of past stigma, shame and doubts holding you back from fully having your voice heard.
  • be able to confidently share your voice, express your needs and set your boundaries for success.
  • learn to trust yourself, listen to your body, and build your life around your needs so you can be there for yourself, for others and for your clients or customers.
  • implement efficient business processes, systems and productivity strategies so that you manage your work and your work doesn’t manage you.
  • achieve the positive impact that you so desire through your business.
  • become an inspiration to others through your successes.
  • transform yourself, your work and your relationships as you journey along your unique path, once and for all, letting go of just getting by and struggling from setback after setback to truly THRIVING.

By expanding your self-awareness, accepting your limitations and deciphering your true obstacles, you’ll learn how to overcome your own unique challenges. You’ll gain newfound freedoms in living your life, so that you are able to live the authentic life you are meant to live!

The Hope, Inspiration, Values and the Story

Balance, Breakthrough, Achieve

There are two key foundations to your business success as an entrepreneur, and you are at the center of each. Your business success is most sustainable and prepared for growth when it sits upon a foundation of strength and supports your well-being. This strength comes from the alignment of your business model, strategy and processes, as well as the strength of your branding, network and product or service.

The second foundation is YOU! The stronger your inner balance, the greater your inner strength, resilience, and confidence… and this means less overwhelm and more peace. When you also work to overcome or work around your challenges, you find unique solutions that work for you. And when you marry your strong foundations with your ability to break through your challenges, guess what… you set yourself up to achieve! To achieve what you desire in both life and business. And that my friend, is a success.

Changing Your Relationship with Your Health Can Pave the Way to Greater Well-Being… in Life and Business.

If compromised health or health challenges interrupt your daily life or your ability to grow or sustain your business, you know how frustrating it is to experience setback after setback. To almost reach that goal, and to then have it slip by because of your health. You might even know what it’s like to not pursue a client, event or project because ‘overdoing’ it might result in further health issues.

I understand these fears, these uncertainties, and you’re not alone. Millions of individuals struggle to manage their work and life. It’s common to feel like you have to push your body, that you have to be on other people’s schedules, their deadlines, and their expectations. Societal norms, even with the impact of the pandemic, still encourage us to push. To do more.

I know from a lifetime of health challenges, that ‘pushing’ is not going to lead to the life you desire.

You Can Live Your Best Life

The BalanceUP® Lifestyle and Building Balance to Empower® Programs Will Help You Achieve the Success You Desire

I also know you CAN live an amazing life. You CAN have a successful business. You CAN thrive in all aspects of life. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. I am there! I live every day with multiple illnesses, autoimmune disorders and with pain from injuries. AND… I LOVE life! And I help my clients do the same.

When you have one or more health challenges, pushing your body is not going to lead to sustainable business growth, or to a happy life! Restructuring your business in a way that is conducive to your well-being will. Yes, you can redefine your business model without worrying about losing or disappointing your clients.

In fact, your clients will love you even more. When your business is in alignment with your needs and supports your well-being, you can better serve your clients!

Empower yourself to achieve business success while living a life of peace, joy & well-being.

BalanceUP® Business & Lifestyle Coaching

You can create a business that meets your needs and supports your well-being. I’ll show you how to create business strategies and processes in a way that enables you to better manage your well-being. I’ll guide you in overcoming obstacles that have been causing you setbacks. Because of my first-hand experience and understanding of these unique challenges, I have dedicated my life to helping other entrepreneurs overcome the same challenges and thrive. And I want to see you succeed.

With almost two decades of experience in the corporate world, and going on 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, including businesses that focused on business support services, marketing and training, I have a solid understanding of what it takes to build a sustainable business.

Power begins with alignment! As you transform your life AND business, you’ll:

  • Build your business around your needs, capabilities and desired lifestyle so you can contribute your gifts.
  • Implement short and long-term business strategies that support your goals and your well-being.
  • Ensure your business foundation is built for sustainability.
  • Stop losing time and money to setbacks.
  • Strengthen your inner balance, build resilience and make space for more peace and joy.
  • Align the 7-areas of your well-being for greater vitality, balance and authenticity.

The Power of I Can’t®

The Power of I Can’t® is all about overcoming obstacles getting in your way of success! This program is exactly how I have overcome my challenges. It empowered me to achieve business success and greater well-being, even when others told me I couldn’t. It sounds counterintuitive, but it has been the most freeing and empowering experience I have ever had. This is why I’m sharing it with you.

The courage to say “I CAN’T” will set you free. In this program, you’ll:

  • Identify limitations holding you back – you might be surprised!!!
  • Develop creative solutions to overcome your challenges.
  • Experience more vitality and less downtime.

Destination You! Strategy Session

Imagine taking time to focus on your business, harnessing your mindset growth skills, and making a plan for how YOU can build your life, your way. A life that puts your well-being first so you can thrive. This is what Destination YOU! is all about. You’ll experience a completely custom program around your needs and goals. Perfect for getting started, overcoming a challenge or taking your business to the next level.

How can you create a business that supports your needs and that is fulfilling to your heart?

Live the BalanceUP® Lifestyle

BalanceUP® is a lifestyle, mindset, and wellness process that encompasses all aspects of wellness and helps you to create a life of balance that enhances your health and enables you to grow and manage your business in a sustainable manner. It is the foundation for learning to THRIVE with compromised health or health challenges, including invisible disorders such as autoimmune disorders.

Self-care is not a daily action or occasional activity. True self-care is a journey, it’s how you live every day of your life. From your smallest thought or action to the most life-changing decisions, it all adds up. With the BalanceUP® Lifestyle, you intentionally build your business to support your well-being, and you develop a level of self-awareness that enables you to create a lifestyle that supports your physical and emotional well-being.

Really, I’ve Been There and I Can Tell You…

You can trade in all that overwhelm and fear of letting others down for a life and business that supports your needs and brings you peace and joy. And I can help you create that life and business you desire.

I’ve been there. I know the fears, the challenges, and the frustrations.

I know the financial and social implications. And I also understand the interconnectedness that health challenges have on ALL aspects of your life. Those challenges that one can only understand by having walked the journey. I know how limiting fatigue, pain, and so many other symptoms can be.

I left the corporate world due to my health and had three business shutdowns in the first five years of my entrepreneurial experience. There were times I ran my business out of bed for 3-4 months at a time.

One day I decided that I was either going to shut down my business for good or find a way to make my business work for me.

Not being a person who gives up, I set out to prioritize my health first REGARDLESS of the expectations of societal norms on HOW one should do that. I did everything differently. That’s when everything changed in my life! (Pssst – I started by putting together my own Dream Team, you can download a guide below).

When I started, I never expected to grow my business as much as I did. I certainly didn’t expect to be living on a barrier island. Nor could I picture myself putting up Christmas trees on the beach, tossing presents, and handing out candy. These activities required me to be able to lift my arms. And to have the energy to be outdoors in the heat. And to manage the pain of repetitive motions to hand out the candy. Activities that were nearly impossible at times. It also represents business success to live the life we dared to dream possible.

You Can Transform Your Life & Business Too. Are You Ready?

I can help you create the life and business you desire and deserve. If you’re ready to transform your life through hard work, curiosity, and deliberate action, let’s talk!

A Few Words from Happy Clients

Thank you SO MUCH! Without Simone’s guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am today. She helped me identify & accept how much my one issue was impacting me and encouraged me to get the right help. Without that help, I would still be on the couch on a good day. Besides her help with my health, our business meetings gave me the confidence and insight to start reselling on eBay. I hope to bring my husband home from his stressful job in a year. I can’t thank Simone enough for how she helped me and our family! And I hope to help and inspire others as she has me.” ~ Rosemary taliesin556

I am so grateful that I have met Simone when I did. Not only did she provide clarity and hope in a very dark time, but she had such a great structure to pick the challenges apart piece by piece. Going through her process felt so simple – identifying each symptom and understanding the triggers felt like I was just putting each piece in its place on the shelf.

It was just what I needed to feel like I have a grasp on the situation. It allowed me to put my health first and still be able to work confidently understanding my ebbs and flows. Thank you, Simone, for helping me feel like myself again and feel more in control in this new phase of my life. With gratitude, ~Maria (Masha) Pavlova, The You Brand

And a Final Word…

Simone is an amazing business leader who is willing to meet you where you are at yet challenge you to new levels. She has incredible insight into asking questions and digging deeper into areas that I often overlooked. I’ve grown personally and professionally in the time I’ve worked with her and have made strides in becoming more intentional about living my best life for myself and family. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Simone and would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life! ~Marlene Lynch

Living a balanced life takes courage and commitment, but the benefits are life-changing. Download this eBook & start living a more balanced life today.

Your well-being is the foundation for your business success.

Download this free eBook “How to Live a More Balanced and Joyful Life” and learn the 5 daily actions you need to take to make each day your best day!

You’ll receive one new coaching email each day over the course of 5 days to help you put the ideas into action. Because it’s our daily actions that create our lifestyle.

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Each issue is packed with information, tangible tips, and strategies. Ultimately, this newsletter is designed to help you create a life of greater well-being and more business success.


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