Can you improve the quality of your life by being kind to others? Without hesitation, I believe the answer is HECK YES! Acts of kindness from the heart support our own healing and make a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes a simple act makes a BIG difference!

If any type of autoimmune disorder or chronic pain is a part of your day-to-day life, then you likely know that one kind word, thought or action makes a difference in your day. One kind action can help you feel valued, loved and appreciated. One kind action can lift your spirits and that can make your day easier. It warms your heart.

So my question today is, when was the last time you shared a kind act with another? If it’s been a while, commit to taking a few moments to share kindness with an individual in your circle, an acquaintance, or a neighbor.

Who can you share your heart with today?

My guess is you’ll benefit just as much as the recipient of your kind actions. In fact, I’d love to hear how your acts of kindness impact you!

40 Ways to Share Acts of Kindness

  1. Write and mail a letter of thanks, encouragement, or sympathy to a friend.
  2. Call a friend you have not talked with in a while.
  3. Offer a long-overdue apology to a loved one, if it will help both of you.
  4. Donate a bag of food, blankets, or a crate to an animal shelter.
  5. Buy a stranger a coffee.
  6. Ask someone how they are doing and then listen with your full attention and respond.
  7. Pick up a few pieces of garbage on the sidewalk, beach, etc.
  8. Return shopping carts in the parking lot to their rightful destination.
  9. Give a super tip to a waiter.
  10. Buy a gift card and give it to a single mom, an elderly person, or someone with financial need.
  11. Share a meaningful ‘Hi’ and smile to your postman, doorman, barista, grocery clerk – anyone in your normal day-to-day routine.
  12. Make a casserole or main dish and give it to a neighbor – just because…
  13. Allow someone in front of you in a check-out line.
  14. Offer to pay for an individual’s purchases.
  15. Is someone in your neighborhood not keeping up with their yard or house? Find out if they are struggling and offer help.
  16. Give your chair or bus seat up for someone else who looks like they might be having a bad day.
  17. Give a single flower to someone and then witness their response.
  18. Surprise a friend or loved one with a bouquet for no reason.
  19. Thank people whose paths you cross for simple things.
  20. Make your exit count. Wish others “a good day” with a smile.
  21. Offer to do a specific chore for someone struggling with any kind of illness.
  22. Share your professional knowledge and/or skills for someone in need or going through hard times.
  23. Connect people who can help each other.
  24. Compliment someone on their thoughtfulness.
  25. Give a gift card to a service organization that can distribute it to a person in need.
  26. Simply spend time with someone. No cell phones. Just be there.
  27. Make your compliments sincere and custom to who you are talking to.
  28. Encourage and support a friend in achieving their dreams.
  29. Foster a pet.
  30. Support someone who fosters a child or pet.
  31. Help someone talk out and overcome a problem or challenge they have been having.
  32. Visit someone in a senior home and then enjoy the smile they share.
  33. Reach out to a past teacher or employer and thank them.
  34. Help a neighbor plant a patch of flowers.
  35. Help a senior or someone with chronic illness spring clean.
  36. Mentor a college student or someone getting started and then watch them thrive.
  37. Donate your time to any non-profit organization.
  38. Offer to sit with a friend’s kids (or elder parent) so they can have an afternoon or evening out.
  39. Spend time having coffee with a loved one and give them 100% of your attention.
  40. Ask and let your grandparents tell you their story. Listen. Show them you care.

A Moment to Ponder: Consider sharing a moment of kindness with a loved one, friend or acquaintance, and then ponder the impact. Will the effects of your kindness spread outwards beyond the person you interacted with? Can you measure the ultimate impact, the reach, and the scope of influence?

Recommendation: If kindness is your ‘THING‘ – be sure to check out Lyz Kelley’s Everyday Heroes Unite, a Facebook group that unites romance readers together for one cause, to make the world a kinder place for all.

Simone Giangiordano, better known as Simone G, is the creator of BalanceUP® Community. She is a business and lifestyle coach who has helped hundreds of clients create a business that works for their unique lifestyles. This despite being told by multiple doctors and professionals that she should not work and to just get on disability because of her chronic health issues. She has used her nearly 2 decades experience in the corporate world and more than 15 years’ experience as an entrepreneur, trainer, and business coach to create the Building Balance to Empower® programs, including her signature program The Power of I Can't® to help individuals with heath challenges create and live a life of peace, joy and yes… success.Learn more about Simone G's story.

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